S.U.R.E.: Summer Undergraduate Research Experience

Freshman student working in lab.

Mason S.U.R.E. Program

S.U.R.E.: Summer Undergraduate Research Experience

The S.U.R.E. Program is a partnership between the Graduate Division and the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), as part of their Hire-ED initiative. To gain knowledge of and conduct research with a faculty member here at Mason, undergraduate participants from local Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) will be invited to work in a lab and conduct research alongside Mason graduate students and faculty.  This 8 week summer program will culminate with participants having a written research paper and presenting a poster at a research symposium.


Hire-ED is a signature initiative of DEI. As an office they are committed to creating pathways for diverse scholars to further their academic scholarship and serve as a support for their academic pursuits.   The goal of this initiative is to offer racial/ethnically diverse undergraduate and graduate students’ opportunities for research and post-graduate opportunities (i.e. graduate school admission, post-docs, and faculty positions). In line with this goal, DEI is partnering with the Graduate Division to bring the S.U.R.E. Program to  Mason and our partners. 


March 1, 2023                     Application Portal Opens

March  31, 2023                  Application Portal Closes

April 15, 2023                      Applications Notified

April 30, 2023                      Applicants submit Intent to Attend

May 15, 2023                      Scholars assigned Mentor

June 5, 2023                       Scholars arrive at Mason

Sample Day


Continental Breakfast


Report to Work


Group Lunch


Return to Work


Wrap up


Group Dinner/Evening Activity